Nickoy Miller
8 min readApr 22, 2019


The Fallen - Chapter 1 - The Promotion

Author: Nickoy Lee Miller | Subscribe to the series

The squeaking of sneakers filled the basketball court as the Varga Enterprise’s staff geared up for their once a week workout. Men and women were warming up stretching their muscles, kicking their legs dribbling and taking jump shots to get their minds and body’s prepared for the game to begin shortly. Varga Enterprise took pride in ensuring its staff was healthy, so along with building them a fully equipped gym they threw in a basketball court as a bonus.

Nathen arrives and walks over to the bench to meet up with his usual team members. He was feeling good, he had a great day at work and even heard some whispers about him replacing his marketing mentor Charles, who is currently in the process of moving to Varga’s South American Division to restructure the team there based on success all across North American, most recently New York.

Nathen: “Hey guys what’s up?”

Kherry: “Well if it isn’t the man of the day, you had management eating out of the palm of your hands with your marketing pitch.”

Ben: “Who NJ, What did I miss?”

Charles: “While you were caught up with HR work, your boss should have been doing…”



Nickoy Miller

I’m exploring my creativity as a writer, there is so much that goes on in the head of mine and writing helps me focus. So let’s take it one step at a time