3 Major Things Men Should Know About The Female Vagina

Nickoy Miller
5 min readApr 23, 2021

Every man on planet earth wished they knew and understood the inner workings of a woman’s brain mentally and emotionally but above all, they wish they knew the inner workings of a woman’s vagina. If you are not one of those persons who have not been in a fluent sexual communicating relationship then here are there major things you should know about the female vagina.

Photo by Dainis Graveris from Pexels

1 — No Vagina is the same

I believe this goes without saying, every vagina is uniquely different. If you have watched enough porn like me or you’ve been on the dark side of Twitter(Twitter peeps you know what I’m talking about), you would have seen enough models posing rather acrobatically with their vaginas exposed to let you know that visually they all look different.

Not only do they look different the inner mechanics of what makes them rev into high gear are different as well.

I have dated mostly older women before my current partner and I always took the time to converse with them about our dirty session lol. As a young man, porn led me to believe that having a big cock is the way to go, this may be the BIGGEST LIE EVER! I don’t have a big cock….I’m blessed with seven inches and it gets the job done.



Nickoy Miller

I’m exploring my creativity as a writer, there is so much that goes on in the head of mine and writing helps me focus. So let’s take it one step at a time